# unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). [How to upgrade to the latest version!](https://unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss.docs.lucit.tech/readme.html#installation-and-upgrade) ## 1.1.0.dev (development stage/unreleased/unstable) ## 1.1.0 ### Added - `manager.is_manager_stopping()` - Support for "binance.com" ## 1.0.0 ### Added - Additional infos for a better user experience - Support for Python 3.11 and 3.12 - Integration of the `lucit-licensing-python` library for verifying the UNICORN Binance Suite license. A license can be purchased in the LUCIT Online Shop: https://shop.lucit.services/software/unicorn-binance-suite - License change from MIT to LSOSL - LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License: https://github.com/LUCIT-Systems-and-Development/unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss/blob/master/LICENSE - Conversion to a C++ compiled Cython package with precompiled as well as PyPy and source code wheels. - Setup of a "Trusted Publisher" deployment chain. The source code is transparently packaged into wheels directly from the GitHub repository by a GitHub action for all possible platforms and published directly as a new release on GitHub and PyPi. A second process from Conda-Forge then uploads it to Anaconda. Thus, the entire deployment process is transparent and the user can be sure that the compilation of a version fully corresponds to the source code. - Support for `with`-context. ## 0.8.0 ### Added - Parameter `installupdate` (only available in Bot mode) ### Fixed - Create logfile parent dir if not exists - Handling exceptions while opening a non existing ini file - Bug in test "streams" ## 0.7.1 ### Fixed - `self.test` not iterable as None type ## 0.7.0 ### Added - `engine` parameter to manager class and integrate `jump-in-and-trail` mode to `manager.py` - Parameter `stop_loss_start_limit`, `callback_partially_filled`, `ubra_manager` and `ubwa_manager` to `manager.py` - Support for `binance.com`, `binance.com-testnet`, `binance.com-futures`, `binance.com-isolated_margin`, `binance.com-margin` - `listopenorders` and `cancelopenorders` to cli interface - Test `streams` ### Changed - `manager.py.calculate_stop_loss_price()` is a static method now - Instead of creating two ubwa instances we use the new stream specific `process_stream_data` parameter within one instance - `stoplossmarket` and `stop_loss_market` to `market` ### Renamed - cli.py: `load_examples_ini_from_git_hub()` to `load_examples_ini_from_github()` ## 0.6.0 ### Added - Parameter `-- createconfigini` to cli interface - Parameter `-- createprofilesini` to cli interface - Parameter `-- openconfigini` to cli interface - Parameter `-- openprofilesini` to cli interface - Parameter `-- example` to cli interface - `cli.load_examples_ini_from_git_hub()` ### Changed - ini files are no longer included into setup files of standalone versions - Messages of test notification are now specific not general ## 0.5.0 ### Added - Warn on updates parameter - `config` and `pandas` to dependencies ### Changed - CLI help msg - Config file path to {home}/.lucit/ubtsl_*.ini ### Fixed - Ignore missing ubtsl_profile.ini if test is not None - `Optional` bracket in `manager.get_exchange_info()` - Using `\` as path separator in windows ## 0.4.2 ### Fixed - Module name for console_scripts in setup.py ## 0.4.1 ### Fixed - Installation via PIP on Windows ## 0.4.0 ### Changed - Many updates in the command line interface `ubtsl` ## 0.3.0 ### Added - Parameter `test` to lib and cli. Supported mode is "notification" to test email and telegram notifications. - Parameter `print_notificatons`. If True the lib is printing user friendly information to terminal. - Count profit to CLI interface - General output to CLI interface ### Changed - Returning order details instead of text msg to callback_finished function ### Fixed - Control notification settings to avoid exceptions ## 0.2.0 CLI update ## 0.1.2 General updates ## 0.1.1 General updates ## 0.1.0 Init