Source code for unicorn_binance_trailing_stop_loss.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File: unicorn_binance_trailing_stop_loss/
# Part of ‘UNICORN Binance Trailing Stop Loss’
# Project website:
# Github:
# Documentation:
# PyPI:
# LUCIT Online Shop:
# License: LSOSL - LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License
# Author: LUCIT Systems and Development
# Copyright (c) 2022-2023, LUCIT Systems and Development (
# All rights reserved.

    from manager import BinanceTrailingStopLossManager
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from unicorn_binance_trailing_stop_loss.manager import BinanceTrailingStopLossManager
from unicorn_binance_rest_api.manager import BinanceRestApiManager, BinanceAPIException
from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import asyncio
import argparse
import logging
import platform
import os
import requests
import sys
import textwrap
import webbrowser

[docs] async def cli(): """ UNICORN Binance Trailing Stop Loss Command Line Interface Documentation More info: """ version = BinanceTrailingStopLossManager.get_version() os_type = platform.system() home_path = f"{Path.home()}{os.sep}" config_path = f"{home_path}.lucit{os.sep}" log_format = "{asctime} [{levelname:8}] {process} {thread} {module}: {message}" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f"UNICORN Binance Trailing Stop Loss {version} by LUCIT Systems and " f"Development (LSOSL License)", prog=f"ubtsl", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=textwrap.dedent('''\ examples: Check if a new update is available: $ ubtsl --checkupdate Show program version: $ ubtsl --version Test the connectivity to the Binance API: $ ubtsl --test binance-connectivity Test notifications: $ ubtsl --test notification Start with profile "BTCUSDT_SELL" and overwrite the stoplosslimit: $ ubtsl --profile BTCUSDT_SELL --stoplosslimit 0.5% List all open orders: $ ubtsl --exchange "" --market "BTCUSDT" --listopenorders $ ubtsl --profile BTCUSDT_SELL --listopenorders additional information: Author: Changes: Documentation: Issue Tracker: Source: Wiki: disclaimer: This project is for informational purposes only. You should not construe this information or any other material as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. Nothing contained herein constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by us or any third party provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in this or any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. If you intend to use real money, use it at your own risk. Under no circumstances will we be responsible or liable for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities of any kind, including but not limited to direct or indirect damages for loss of profits. ''')) parser.add_argument('-ak', '--apikey', type=str, help="the API key", required=False) parser.add_argument('-as', '--apisecret', type=str, help="The Binance API secret.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-bt', '--borrowthreshold', type=str, help="How much of the possible credit line to exhaust. (Only available in Margin)", required=False) parser.add_argument('-coo', '--cancelopenorders', help=f'Cancel all open orders and then stop. Only valid in combination with parameter ' f'`exchange` and `market`.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-cci', '--createconfigini', help=f'Create the config file and then stop.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-cpi', '--createprofilesini', help=f'Create the profiles file and then stop.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-cf', '--configfile', type=str, help=f"Specify path including filename to the config file (ex: `~/my_config.ini`). If not " f"provided ubtsl tries to load a `ubtsl_config.ini` from the `{config_path}` and the " f"current working directory.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-cu', '--checkupdate', help=f'Check if update is available and then stop.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-ex', '--example', type=str, help=f'Show an example ini file from GitHub and then stop. Options: `config` or `profiles`.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-e', '--exchange', type=str, help="Exchange:,,, " ",", required=False) parser.add_argument('-n', '--engine', type=str, help='Choose the engine. Default: `trail` Options: `jump-in-and-trail` to place a buy order ' 'and trail.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-k', '--keepthreshold', type=str, help="Set the threshold to be kept. This is the amount that will not get sold.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-lf', '--logfile', type=str, help='Specify path including filename to the logfile. Default is logfile path is ' '`{config_path}`', required=False) parser.add_argument('-ll', '--loglevel', type=str, help='Choose a loglevel. Default: INFO; Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL', required=False) parser.add_argument('-loo', '--listopenorders', help=f'List all open orders and then stop. Only valid in combination with parameter ' f'`exchange` and `market`.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-m', '--market', type=str, help='The market on which is traded.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-oci', '--openconfigini', help=f'Open the used config file and then stop.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-opi', '--openprofilesini', help=f'Open the used profiles file and then stop.', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-ot', '--ordertype', type=str, help="Use `limit` or `market`.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-pf', '--profile', type=str, help='Name of the profile to load from ubtsl_profiles.ini!', required=False) parser.add_argument('-pff', '--profilesfile', type=str, help=f"Specify path including filename to the profiles file (ex: `~/my_profiles.ini`). If not " f"available ubtsl tries to load a ubtsl_profile.ini from the `{config_path}` and the " f"current working directory.", required=False) parser.add_argument('-r', '--resetstoplossprice', type=str, help='Reset the existing stop_loss_price! usage: True anything else is False.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-l', '--stoplosslimit', type=str, help='Stop/loss limit in float or percent.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-sl', '--stoplossstartlimit', type=str, help='Set the start stop/loss limit in float or percent.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-p', '--stoplossprice', type=float, help='Set the start stop/loss price as float value.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', type=str, help='Use this to test specific systems like "notification", "binance-connectivity" and ' '"streams". The streams test needs a valid exchange and market. If test is not None the ' 'engine will NOT start! It only tests!', required=False) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help=f'Show the program version and then stop. The version is `{version}` by the way :)', required=False, action='store_true') options = parser.parse_args() # Vars public_key = None private_key = None send_to_email_address = None send_from_email_address = None send_from_email_password = None send_from_email_server = None send_from_email_port = None telegram_bot_token = None telegram_send_to = None # Log file if options.logfile is True: logfile = options.logfile else: logfile = config_path + 'ubtsl.log' # Log level if options.loglevel == "DEBUG": loglevel = logging.DEBUG elif options.loglevel == "INFO": loglevel = logging.INFO elif options.loglevel == "WARN" or options.loglevel == "WARNING": loglevel = logging.WARNING elif options.loglevel == "ERROR": loglevel = logging.ERROR elif options.loglevel == "CRITICAL": loglevel = logging.CRITICAL else: loglevel = logging.INFO # Config logger parent_dir = Path(logfile).parent if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): os.makedirs(parent_dir) try: logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, filename=logfile, format=log_format, style="{") except FileNotFoundError as error_msg: print(f"File not found: {error_msg}") logger = logging.getLogger("unicorn_binance_trailing_stop_loss") # Functions def callback_error(message): """ Callback function for error event provided to the unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss engine :param message: Text message provided by ubtsl lib :return: None """ logger.debug(f"callback_error() started, got message: {message}") ubtsl.stop_manager() def callback_finished(feedback): """ Callback function for finished event provided to the unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss engine :param feedback: Contains stop loss order detail as well as smart entry buy order details :type feedback: dict :return: None """ logger.debug(f"callback_finished() started ") if engine == "jump-in-and-trail": trade_fee = ubra.get_trade_fee(symbol=market) print(f"trade_fee: {trade_fee}") fee = 0.2 profit = fee*(float(feedback['sell_order']['order_price'])-float(feedback['buy_order']['order_price'])) print(f"======================================================\r\n" f"buy_price: {float(feedback['buy_order']['order_price']):g}\r\n" f"sell_price: {float(feedback['sell_order']['order_price']):g}\r\n" f"fee: ~{fee}%\r\n" f"------------------------------------------------------\r\n" f"profit: {profit}") ubtsl.stop_manager() def load_examples_ini_from_github(example_name: str = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Load example_*.ini files from GitHub :param example_name: `config` or `profiles` :type example_name: str :return: str or None """"load_examples_ini_from_github() started ") if example_name is None: return None example_ini = f"" \ f"unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss/master/cli/example_ubtsl_{example_name}.ini" response = requests.get(example_ini) return response.text def create_directory(directory: str = None) -> bool: """ Create a directory if not exists. Returns True if exists or is successfully created :param directory: The full path of the directory to create :type directory: str :return: bool """ logger.debug(f"create_directory() started ") if os.path.isdir(directory): return True else: os.makedirs(directory) return True # Exit if no args provided if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # Create config ini if options.createconfigini is True: config_file_path = f"{config_path}ubtsl_config.ini" print("Creating config ini file ") if os.path.isfile(config_file_path): decision = input(f"The file `{config_file_path}` already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]") if decision.upper() != "Y": return False create_directory(str(config_path)) content = load_examples_ini_from_github("config") with open(config_file_path, "w+") as fh_config_file: fh_config_file.write(content) print(f"New config file `{config_file_path}` successfully created.") print(f"Use `ubtsl --openconfigini` to open it in an editor.") sys.exit(0) # Create profiles ini if options.createprofilesini is True: profiles_file_path = f"{config_path}ubtsl_profiles.ini" print("Creating profiles ini file ") if os.path.isfile(profiles_file_path): decision = input(f"The file `{profiles_file_path}` already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]") if decision.upper() != "Y": return False create_directory(str(config_path)) content = load_examples_ini_from_github("profiles") with open(profiles_file_path, "w+") as fh_profiles_file: fh_profiles_file.write(content) print(f"New profiles file `{profiles_file_path}` successfully created.") print(f"Use `ubtsl --openprofilesini` to open it in an editor.") sys.exit(0) # Update available? if options.checkupdate is True: ubtsl = BinanceTrailingStopLossManager(start_engine=False, warn_on_update=False) if ubtsl.is_update_available(): print("A new update is available:" "unicorn-binance-trailing-stop-loss/releases/latest") else: print("No available updates found!") ubtsl.stop_manager() sys.exit(0) # Print the version if options.version is True: print(f"UNICORN Binance Trailing Stop Loss {version}") sys.exit(0) # Print examples ini files: if options.example is not None: if options.example == "config": print(f"{options.example}.ini example:\r\n{load_examples_ini_from_github(example_name=options.example)}") if options.example == "profiles": print(f"{options.example}.ini example:\r\n{load_examples_ini_from_github(example_name=options.example)}") sys.exit(0) # Choose config file if options.configfile is not None: # Load from cli arg if provided config_file = str(options.configfile) else: # Load config from default filenames config_file_lucit = f"{config_path}trading_tools.ini" config_file_cwd = f"ubtsl_config.ini" config_file_home = f"{config_path}ubtsl_config.ini" if os.path.isfile(config_file_lucit): config_file = config_file_lucit elif os.path.isfile(config_file_cwd): config_file = config_file_cwd elif os.path.isfile(config_file_home): config_file = config_file_home else: config_file = None if not options.openconfigini and not options.openprofilesini: if options.apikey is None or options.apisecret is None: msg = f"You must provide a valid Binance API key and secret, either as commandline parameter or as " \ f"profile parameter. Please use `ubtsl --help` for further information!" logger.critical(msg) print(msg) sys.exit(1) # Choose profiles file if options.profilesfile is not None: # Load from cli arg if provided profiles_file = str(options.profilesfile) else: profiles_file_cwd = "ubtsl_profiles.ini" profiles_file_home = f"{config_path}ubtsl_profiles.ini" if os.path.isfile(profiles_file_cwd): profiles_file = profiles_file_cwd elif os.path.isfile(profiles_file_home): profiles_file = profiles_file_home else: profiles_file = None # Open ini files if options.openconfigini: if config_file is None: print(f"No config file found!\r\n" f"Use `ubtsl --createconfigini` to create one.") else: print(f"Opening `{config_file}`") sys.exit(0) if options.openprofilesini: if profiles_file is None: print(f"No profiles file found!\r\n" f"Use `ubtsl --createprofilesini` to create one.") else: print(f"Opening `{profiles_file}`") sys.exit(0) # Officially starting :)"Started ubtsl_{version}") print(f"Started ubtsl_{version}") # Loading config ini if config_file:"Loading configuration file `{config_file}`") print(f"Loading configuration file `{config_file}`") config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) public_key = config['BINANCE']['api_key'] private_key = config['BINANCE']['api_secret'] send_to_email_address = config['EMAIL']['send_to_email'] send_from_email_address = config['EMAIL']['send_from_email'] send_from_email_password = config['EMAIL']['send_from_password'] send_from_email_server = config['EMAIL']['send_from_server'] send_from_email_port = config['EMAIL']['send_from_port'] telegram_bot_token = config['TELEGRAM']['bot_token'] telegram_send_to = config['TELEGRAM']['send_to'] # Init trailing stop loss vars borrow_threshold = "" engine = "trail" exchange = "" keep_threshold = "" market = "" stop_loss_limit = "" stop_loss_start_limit = "" stop_loss_order_type = "" stop_loss_price: float = 0.0 reset_stop_loss_price = False test = None ubra = False # Load a profile is provided via argparse if options.profile is not None: # Loading profiles ini"Loading profiles file `{profiles_file}`") print(f"Loading profiles file `{profiles_file}`") profiles = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) # Mapping parameters try: if profiles[options.profile]: try: borrow_threshold = profiles[options.profile]['borrow_threshold'] except KeyError: pass try: exchange = profiles[options.profile]['exchange'] except KeyError: pass try: keep_threshold = profiles[options.profile]['keep_threshold'] except KeyError: pass try: reset_stop_loss_price = profiles[options.profile]['reset_stop_loss_price'] except KeyError: pass try: engine = profiles[options.profile]['engine'] except KeyError: pass try: market = profiles[options.profile]['market'] except KeyError: pass try: stop_loss_limit = profiles[options.profile]['stop_loss_limit'] except KeyError: pass try: stop_loss_start_limit = profiles[options.profile]['stop_loss_start_limit'] except KeyError: pass try: stop_loss_order_type = profiles[options.profile]['stop_loss_order_type'] except KeyError: pass try: stop_loss_price = float(profiles[options.profile]['stop_loss_price']) except KeyError: pass except KeyError as error_msg: print(f"ERROR: Profile {error_msg} not found!") sys.exit(1) # cli args overwrite profile settings if options.apikey is not None: public_key = options.apikey if options.apisecret is not None: private_key = options.apisecret if options.borrowthreshold is not None: borrow_threshold = options.borrowthreshold if options.engine is not None: engine = options.engine if is not None: exchange = if options.keepthreshold is not None: keep_threshold = options.keepthreshold if is not None: market = if options.stoplosslimit is not None: stop_loss_limit = options.stoplosslimit if options.stoplossstartlimit is not None: stop_loss_start_limit = options.stoplossstartlimit if options.ordertype is not None: stop_loss_order_type = options.ordertype if options.resetstoplossprice is not None: reset_stop_loss_price = options.resetstoplossprice if options.stoplossprice is not None: stop_loss_price = options.stoplossprice if options.test is not None: test = options.test # Normalize `reset_stop_loss_price` if str(reset_stop_loss_price).upper() == "TRUE": reset_stop_loss_price = True else: reset_stop_loss_price = False # Creating UBRA ubra = BinanceRestApiManager(api_key=public_key, api_secret=private_key) if options.cancelopenorders is True: print(f"Canceling all orders of `{market}` on `{exchange}`") try: if exchange == "" or exchange == "": canceled_orders = ubra.cancel_all_open_orders(symbol=market) elif exchange == "": canceled_orders = ubra.cancel_all_open_margin_orders(symbol=market) elif exchange == "": canceled_orders = ubra.cancel_all_open_margin_orders(symbol=market, isIsolated="TRUE") elif exchange == "": canceled_orders = ubra.futures_cancel_all_open_orders(symbol=market) else: print(f"Invalid exchange `{exchange}") sys.exit(1) except BinanceAPIException as error_msg: if "code=-2011" in str(error_msg): print(f"No order was found to cancel!") else: print(f"ERROR: Not able to cancel all open orders. {error_msg}") sys.exit(1) print(f"Canceled orders: {canceled_orders}") sys.exit(0) if options.listopenorders is True: print(f"Getting open orders of `{market}` on `{exchange}`") try: if exchange == "" or exchange == "": open_orders = ubra.get_open_orders(symbol=market) elif exchange == "": open_orders = ubra.get_open_margin_orders(symbol=market) elif exchange == "": open_orders = ubra.get_open_margin_orders(symbol=market, isIsolated="TRUE") elif exchange == "": open_orders = ubra.futures_get_open_orders(symbol=market) else: print(f"Invalid exchange `{exchange}") sys.exit(1) except BinanceAPIException as error_msg: print(f"ERROR: Not able to fetch all open orders. {error_msg}") sys.exit(1) print(f"Open orders: {open_orders}") sys.exit(0) # Starting the Trailing Stop/Loss Engine with BinanceTrailingStopLossManager(callback_error=callback_error, callback_finished=callback_finished, callback_partially_filled=None, api_key=public_key, api_secret=private_key, borrow_threshold=borrow_threshold, engine=engine, exchange=exchange, keep_threshold=keep_threshold, market=market, print_notifications=True, reset_stop_loss_price=reset_stop_loss_price, send_to_email_address=send_to_email_address, send_from_email_address=send_from_email_address, send_from_email_password=send_from_email_password, send_from_email_server=send_from_email_server, send_from_email_port=int(send_from_email_port), stop_loss_limit=stop_loss_limit, stop_loss_order_type=stop_loss_order_type, stop_loss_price=stop_loss_price, stop_loss_start_limit=stop_loss_start_limit, telegram_bot_token=telegram_bot_token, telegram_send_to=telegram_send_to, test=test, ubra_manager=ubra, ubwa_manager=None, warn_on_update=False) as ubtsl: if test is None: # Catch Keyboard Interrupt only if there is no test running while ubtsl.is_manager_stopping() is False: # This loop continues until the trailing stop loss engine is terminated await asyncio.sleep(1)
[docs] def main(): try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\r\nGracefully stopping ...")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()